Friday, February 28, 2014

John Kerry Has This Ass Backwards

"We are beginning to behave like a poor nation," he added, saying some Americans do not perceive the connection between U.S. engagement abroad and the U.S. economy, their own jobs and wider U.S. interests."

Maybe the real problem for Kerry is that US citizens are starting to understand that involvement in foreign wars have undermined their interests in the form of:

  • wealth loss through taxation to pay for the wars
  • wealth loss through inflation created by Federal Reserve monetary expansion to help mask the taxation to pay for the wars
  • the consolidation of political power by the corporations known as the military industrial complex
  • the consolidation of information and news by the same corporations into a war propaganda cartel 
  • and most of all the loss of life and mental and physical disabilities inflicted on our sons and daughters.  
Maybe he needs to elaborate exactly what he thinks American interests are, because all I can figure is he speaks of the interests of a small power elite that we just had to bail out with the biggest welfare program in the history of the world a few years back.... 

(Quote Reported in Zero Hedge)